All Downloads
Most of these won't work and may cause problems in your Minecraft folder. Only downgrade if you know
what you're doing.
2Pi developed 1.2-1.4.1
, Semx11 developed 2.0-3.0
Autotip 3.0.1
Autotip 3.0
Autotip 2.0.3
Autotip 2.0.2
Autotip 2.0.1
Autotip 2.0
Autotip 1.4.1
Autotip 1.4
Autotip 1.3
Autotip 1.2.7
Autotip 1.2.6
Autotip 1.2.5
Autotip 1.2.4
Autotip 1.2.3
Autotip 1.2.2
Autotip 1.2.1
Autotip 1.2