Advanced Stats
List all your experience and coins earned in each gamemode easily and specify a timeframe for more detailed earnings.
First Autotip will tip all online boosters, then tip other online Autotip users. You both send and
receive tips, which will greatly increase coin and experience gain.
Learn more
List all your experience and coins earned in each gamemode easily and specify a timeframe for more detailed earnings.
Autotip tips other online users, which creates a "network" of players tipping each other, and
depending on the amount of active boosters, you can nearly double your profits.
Tips received fluctuates depending on the amount of boosters online, since Autotip will
prioritize boosters.
There are currently 0
players online tipping
other Autotip users in 0
You can either keep normal sending and receiving tip messages, make them more compact to prevent chat spam, or remove the messages entirely.
View everyone you've tipped in your current session, for whatever reason.
All /autotip
commands can be replaced with /at
, and the |
character separates the full command name and its alias.
All commands are tabbable in-game.
/autotip stats|s
Shows all coins and experience earned today
/autotip stats [today, yesterday, week, month, year, life]
Shows all tips, coins, and experience earned in the specified timeframe
/autotip info|?
Shows general information about the mod and your settings
/autotip wave
Shows when the next wave of tips will start
/autotip messages|m
Switch between 'tip message mode' (shown, compact, hidden)
/autotip toggle|t
Toggle Autotip on or off
/autotip changelog
View the changelog of the current version
Instantly puts you in Hypixel Limbo for easy AFK tipping